Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why do I choose Economics?

Here in Australia, I have already did sign up for a BA in Economics in UWA over a year ago. It's been pretty quick, with a year zipping past and leaving little trace in studies wise.

It has also been 3 months since the summer started, and the holidays have also ended last Sunday. And while people do understand why I do economics, there are a few who do not, or think that accounting would be a better choice.

I do respect these thoughts, and certainly from certain angles, certainly I sincerely empthise why a lot of my peers do accounting. I certainly don't judge them because after all, perception, personal and professional, are not about rights or wrongs. They are opinions after all.

My reason to do economics is borne out not just of idealism, but also about realism. People have dreams and I'm no different. Everyone would like to do something, and hopefully people around them- at least family and friends- would acknowledge it or them. Increasingly, however, the facts of life have harshly also set a reality that one cannot ignore.

I believe economics do serve a purpose, a useful purpose, let it be during bad times such as this, and during the good times. Economists always have to see the long term and use current and past numbers to justify them, and to see through corners so as to forewarn out-of-sight punches that may come our way(in this aspect, we are no different from accountants in these goals).

Economists also have to see the truth, and use verifable statistics to show the people, the country and even the world that the state of the economy is something not be taken for granted. To tell the truth about upcoming pot holes- if we aren't careful- is important. We should say it as it is, and don't shy away from telling the truth diplomatically and in a realistic way.

No matter what political stripes each economist is, or which economics lecturer he or she is, I hope we can do something for the people around us, and the people around the world. I hope to transcend differences in politics, sociology, ideology.

To do economics is something that I have choosen, and its something I would pursue in not just my degree but in the career I will have in the future. That's why I choose economics: not for myself, but for those I serve around me, in any country, but especially those of my own.

That's what He has asked me to do, and I'm glad to follow.

1 comment:

PATRICK said...

timothy, good choice and go for it. all the best.uncle patrick