Anyway, mid-semester tests are coming up with a MacroEcon test on Aggregate demand and supply- only- coming up. The week after next, on the 6th April, I have a Business stat practical test that has 30% in total for CA marks!
That is a huge biggie test for sure. And after the Easter Break, there will be 2-3 more tests, namely MacroEcons, Management and perhaps Econ Biz stats(I've to confirm with that one).
Still, there's some time, and I have finished the notes for revision for the friday test.
Also I have now become a full member of my current church with the ceremony held on Sunday. Its the first time I have become a permanent member of a church, being a constant visitor (in-out-in-out, and then drifting along during my poly and army years) and I must say I have no fear in this, even though it seems new to me.
"Not by might, not by power, but by the (Holy) Spirit"- Zechariah 4:6
Anyway I also have Melbourne to think about- although I probably will bring my notes from management & econs along, stuffed in my carry-on bag, just in case. Being in Melbourne for the first time in 20 years..being in the OC for the very first time...there's always a first in everything, and its something I look forward to, during the break!
Anyway I have to go to you later, soon...when I can!
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