Very interesting stuff...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Ronan Keating's "This I Promise You".
Just went through this beautiful love song on my iTunes and I thought I should share a video with this song on this blog.
Cheers people.
Cheers people.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Korean Boy sings Marieh Carey's "Tuts My Barreh"--his version..
Touch My Body = Tuts My Barreh? Well at least to this Korean chap and his "Asbestos flaygon!", "tropical priest", "Camel up the Hill" and among other much more unprintable words of his own version of this famous Mariah Carey's song from 2008.
This video has fired up most of the blogosphere: so I thought I put this in here too...
He even threw in the Bee Gees, Gong Li into the mix for good measure! Its very, very funny..enjoy this people! =)
This video has fired up most of the blogosphere: so I thought I put this in here too...
He even threw in the Bee Gees, Gong Li into the mix for good measure! Its very, very funny..enjoy this people! =)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tests, Hope Perth membership and...I'm just waiting for Easter Break...
Test, tests and more tests. Surprise, surprise: the life of a student. Expect nothing else, no?
Anyway, mid-semester tests are coming up with a MacroEcon test on Aggregate demand and supply- only- coming up. The week after next, on the 6th April, I have a Business stat practical test that has 30% in total for CA marks!
That is a huge biggie test for sure. And after the Easter Break, there will be 2-3 more tests, namely MacroEcons, Management and perhaps Econ Biz stats(I've to confirm with that one).
Still, there's some time, and I have finished the notes for revision for the friday test.
Also I have now become a full member of my current church with the ceremony held on Sunday. Its the first time I have become a permanent member of a church, being a constant visitor (in-out-in-out, and then drifting along during my poly and army years) and I must say I have no fear in this, even though it seems new to me.
"Not by might, not by power, but by the (Holy) Spirit"- Zechariah 4:6
Anyway I also have Melbourne to think about- although I probably will bring my notes from management & econs along, stuffed in my carry-on bag, just in case. Being in Melbourne for the first time in 20 years..being in the OC for the very first time...there's always a first in everything, and its something I look forward to, during the break!

Anyway I have to go to you later, soon...when I can!
Anyway, mid-semester tests are coming up with a MacroEcon test on Aggregate demand and supply- only- coming up. The week after next, on the 6th April, I have a Business stat practical test that has 30% in total for CA marks!
That is a huge biggie test for sure. And after the Easter Break, there will be 2-3 more tests, namely MacroEcons, Management and perhaps Econ Biz stats(I've to confirm with that one).
Still, there's some time, and I have finished the notes for revision for the friday test.
Also I have now become a full member of my current church with the ceremony held on Sunday. Its the first time I have become a permanent member of a church, being a constant visitor (in-out-in-out, and then drifting along during my poly and army years) and I must say I have no fear in this, even though it seems new to me.
"Not by might, not by power, but by the (Holy) Spirit"- Zechariah 4:6
Anyway I also have Melbourne to think about- although I probably will bring my notes from management & econs along, stuffed in my carry-on bag, just in case. Being in Melbourne for the first time in 20 years..being in the OC for the very first time...there's always a first in everything, and its something I look forward to, during the break!
Anyway I have to go to you later, soon...when I can!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Marketing, MacroEcons, Management, Econ Biz Stats and Biz Stats
And that's what I'm studying right now this semester.
Update about the chapters now I'm studying:
Marketing 100- Consumer Behaviour Part II
MacroEcons 101- Classical and Keynesian economic theories(this week and next)
Management 100- Organisation Culture & Environment
Econ Biz Stats 101- Normal Probabilities(advanced)
Business Stats 201- "As above"- just more basic.

All subjects have their degree of difficulty- although I view theoretical subjects more of my strength simply because I understand and remember them better. As for maths, I'm not terrible in it, neither am I exactly good in it. As long as I get over them asap, I don't mind doing them now this semester.
....that is, if I can stop myself from falling asleep during the lectures of the last two. I now have new found respect for Econometric economists though; these guys are just maths wonders. How they do it is still a science to me, but they do things pretty good. Kudos to these guys.
Update about the chapters now I'm studying:
Marketing 100- Consumer Behaviour Part II
MacroEcons 101- Classical and Keynesian economic theories(this week and next)
Management 100- Organisation Culture & Environment
Econ Biz Stats 101- Normal Probabilities(advanced)
Business Stats 201- "As above"- just more basic.
All subjects have their degree of difficulty- although I view theoretical subjects more of my strength simply because I understand and remember them better. As for maths, I'm not terrible in it, neither am I exactly good in it. As long as I get over them asap, I don't mind doing them now this semester.
....that is, if I can stop myself from falling asleep during the lectures of the last two. I now have new found respect for Econometric economists though; these guys are just maths wonders. How they do it is still a science to me, but they do things pretty good. Kudos to these guys.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Too busy and not much time for other things...
Sorry chaps, but I've had been busy the last few days with my tutorials, a pressing Management 100 project that has 1500 words- dateline wednesday- and a driving lesson on Thursday night as well.
I will be busy for the next few days and work my way through to finish this Management project. I have to edit my project, which has two more sections, a SWOT analysis and a conclusion, from currently 3,500 words to 1,500. So you know I have a lot of work left to do.
Also, referencing is needed- otherwise my stuff is considered to be automatically of plagiarizing of other people's work.
I also need a printer now, especially when I don't have access to Curtin University library's printers and the ones at Canning during the weekends. So I need to buy one.
Anyway, I have to go now. I will leave this video here for you guys. I will chat with you guys later..
I will be busy for the next few days and work my way through to finish this Management project. I have to edit my project, which has two more sections, a SWOT analysis and a conclusion, from currently 3,500 words to 1,500. So you know I have a lot of work left to do.
Also, referencing is needed- otherwise my stuff is considered to be automatically of plagiarizing of other people's work.
I also need a printer now, especially when I don't have access to Curtin University library's printers and the ones at Canning during the weekends. So I need to buy one.
Anyway, I have to go now. I will leave this video here for you guys. I will chat with you guys later..
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Surprising Short-Sighteness of The SG Govt..
Just over a month ago, Finance Minister of Singapore, Mr. Tharman said in an interview with Bloomberg news that Singapore's model of growth- through exports mostly, with banking and construction of real estate also playing major roles- which has been the forefront of the Tiger growth in recent decades remain sound and will remain the main policy of the current government.
The ST has an excerpt of this interview and its over here.
But in the past week or so, Time Asia had another article about the Asian Tiger economies and reviewed how much exports almost dominated economical growth in the last few decades, and how inflated consumer spending in the West has led to an export, banking and construction bubble over in these Tiger economies.
The article is here.
I think, as a student of economics, one must always, as an economist, see the bigger picture, and to use current, and later data to not just predict this year, but the years ahead in a realistic fashion, and factoring in unpleasant stuff like risk of high unemployment, high inflation rate, unrealistically low unemployment rates in relation with interest rates, and inflation, and the amount of flow of migrants and immigrants, in and out of the country.
I think a country cannot sustain itself if it hitches on an economic model and expects it to go on forever and forever. And neither should it encourage everyone else to spend and spend, and then also promise more "Golden Years and/or periods, without any evidence whatsoever, and without considering the "what-ifs".
An economic policy that depends on economical bubbles is not an economical policy; instead its just an ad-hoc initiative that takes advantage of a sinful human habit(that is greed) and make it as if its gonna be our magic pill of growth forever.
Its clear that this government has lost its way in the economical front for a long time. They have had continued to encourage bubble growth by easing credit access for couples, even though they cannot fully afford the costs of these loans, CPF and banks in the first place. They have encouraged rich foreigners, to buy and sell, local landed properties without as much as any sensible regulation to stem any bubble; they have privately liberalise the banking industries by allowing rich foreigners to put in money here, in the form of savings, Swiss bank-type accounts, and in hedge funds the like; and then they allowed inflation to rocket sky-high, and even worse, didn't give the full picture of the amount of inflation in the first place, and the impact of it on citizens; didn't give the full picture of unemployment rates of local citizens in the bubble years; and finally only giving ad-hoc credit to some of the most vulnerable on a year-by-year basis, which is only not just inadequate, but also insulting.
And we haven't gone through the problem of GIC and Temasek investing in Western banks and losing more than tens of billions of dollars in taxpayers dollars.
To see Mr. Tharman, an esteemed economist, use his position to insist that the politicised economical model is still viable is simply stunning and shocking. This government either can't bring themselves to recognise that their model is now dead in the water, or they are just blind, and deaf to everything else that is happening around them.
It is sad when they don't realise it. It is sad when they refuse to recognise it. And its even sadder when they think that such a self-indulgent economical policy still has legs in it when its clear the days of such are long over.
Thus, to say that they deserve a chance to get it right, and to trust them fully, and completely- when they have clearly not kept their word is wrong. We should have known. And that's why if there's any snap elections in Singapore this year, let it be known that they cannot have their way anymore.
Its time to restore Parliament to its rightful place, and not make it be a rubber-stamp, yawn inducing institution anymore. Let us herald in a new era, whether the government likes it or not. Its time for transparency and accountability and the opposition will play their role if you give them a chance and trust them. Let us not waste this opportunity in these times of crisis to do something good for the future of our people, the future of later generations, and the future of Singapore itself.
Let us go and change this world. It is time.
The ST has an excerpt of this interview and its over here.
But in the past week or so, Time Asia had another article about the Asian Tiger economies and reviewed how much exports almost dominated economical growth in the last few decades, and how inflated consumer spending in the West has led to an export, banking and construction bubble over in these Tiger economies.
The article is here.
I think, as a student of economics, one must always, as an economist, see the bigger picture, and to use current, and later data to not just predict this year, but the years ahead in a realistic fashion, and factoring in unpleasant stuff like risk of high unemployment, high inflation rate, unrealistically low unemployment rates in relation with interest rates, and inflation, and the amount of flow of migrants and immigrants, in and out of the country.
I think a country cannot sustain itself if it hitches on an economic model and expects it to go on forever and forever. And neither should it encourage everyone else to spend and spend, and then also promise more "Golden Years and/or periods, without any evidence whatsoever, and without considering the "what-ifs".
An economic policy that depends on economical bubbles is not an economical policy; instead its just an ad-hoc initiative that takes advantage of a sinful human habit(that is greed) and make it as if its gonna be our magic pill of growth forever.
Its clear that this government has lost its way in the economical front for a long time. They have had continued to encourage bubble growth by easing credit access for couples, even though they cannot fully afford the costs of these loans, CPF and banks in the first place. They have encouraged rich foreigners, to buy and sell, local landed properties without as much as any sensible regulation to stem any bubble; they have privately liberalise the banking industries by allowing rich foreigners to put in money here, in the form of savings, Swiss bank-type accounts, and in hedge funds the like; and then they allowed inflation to rocket sky-high, and even worse, didn't give the full picture of the amount of inflation in the first place, and the impact of it on citizens; didn't give the full picture of unemployment rates of local citizens in the bubble years; and finally only giving ad-hoc credit to some of the most vulnerable on a year-by-year basis, which is only not just inadequate, but also insulting.
And we haven't gone through the problem of GIC and Temasek investing in Western banks and losing more than tens of billions of dollars in taxpayers dollars.
To see Mr. Tharman, an esteemed economist, use his position to insist that the politicised economical model is still viable is simply stunning and shocking. This government either can't bring themselves to recognise that their model is now dead in the water, or they are just blind, and deaf to everything else that is happening around them.
It is sad when they don't realise it. It is sad when they refuse to recognise it. And its even sadder when they think that such a self-indulgent economical policy still has legs in it when its clear the days of such are long over.
Thus, to say that they deserve a chance to get it right, and to trust them fully, and completely- when they have clearly not kept their word is wrong. We should have known. And that's why if there's any snap elections in Singapore this year, let it be known that they cannot have their way anymore.
Its time to restore Parliament to its rightful place, and not make it be a rubber-stamp, yawn inducing institution anymore. Let us herald in a new era, whether the government likes it or not. Its time for transparency and accountability and the opposition will play their role if you give them a chance and trust them. Let us not waste this opportunity in these times of crisis to do something good for the future of our people, the future of later generations, and the future of Singapore itself.
Let us go and change this world. It is time.
Jon Stewart slaughters CNBC...
The method is sarcastic and vicious, almost not most people would want to do, but Jon Stewart proves a point about Santelli's recent outburst on the Obama housing scheme to stem the rate of foreclosures.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Saturday, March 7, 2009
CCM Iron Chef event!
I was organising this event for Hope Perth's Campus Christian Movement at Curtin..and it was the Iron Chef competition, and it was held earlier today.
It was a great day in all, and pretty tiring. We have had fun, in spite of all the tiredness, and I hope we all can do something better in the next event! Below are a few photos..

We woke up at 6am to go to Market City to buy fresh produce. All legal and no GST included! Btw the person there..her name's May Yan. She's the CCM President.

Cooking time team!

The three judges are starting to look least they are trying to do so, haha!

Slicing and dicing thru the veggies and fruits.. something I'm not naturally blessed in. :P ;)

My team members, and our official chefs in the red team. I just help out..coz my skills ain't at that level. I supply more of the raw stuff hehehe.

All of us- including me trying to be a cowboy..but ending up looking like a dork. :P ;)
All photos are courtesy of Joanne Liu, a dear friend of mine, and a fellow Vickery House stayer. Thank you!! =)))
It was a great day in all, and pretty tiring. We have had fun, in spite of all the tiredness, and I hope we all can do something better in the next event! Below are a few photos..
We woke up at 6am to go to Market City to buy fresh produce. All legal and no GST included! Btw the person there..her name's May Yan. She's the CCM President.
Cooking time team!
The three judges are starting to look least they are trying to do so, haha!
Slicing and dicing thru the veggies and fruits.. something I'm not naturally blessed in. :P ;)
My team members, and our official chefs in the red team. I just help out..coz my skills ain't at that level. I supply more of the raw stuff hehehe.
All of us- including me trying to be a cowboy..but ending up looking like a dork. :P ;)
All photos are courtesy of Joanne Liu, a dear friend of mine, and a fellow Vickery House stayer. Thank you!! =)))
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Where should I go...when I do graduate from UWA?
I am finishing up my biz stats tutorials and I did realise that I went to the Job fair near Curtin University- the closest one near my college and I picked up a few things about being a WA public high school teacher in economics. And as I was wondering..should I be..

Or join this government organisation back home?

Or become a nerdy economist and be the pain in the bottom for everyone else? ;)

If you were me, what path would you choose? =)

Or join this government organisation back home?
Or become a nerdy economist and be the pain in the bottom for everyone else? ;)

If you were me, what path would you choose? =)
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