Yes, I am.
But as I am packing my bags I had thought about this for a long time. First I need to clear a few things up. One of them is that while I do love my family, my friends, and my relatives, I also do have mixed feelings of Singapore at the same time. Second, I think my loyalty to my country while has remained steadfast, is not translated to loyalty towards the ruling party- because I think the country is bigger than any political party.
Thirdly, while I also feel that the current ruling party has done a lot for my country of birth, I also feel that the PAP has been stuck in the past, mired too much in past glories and has not fully established a true vision for the future for its people.
Instead what it has increasingly relied on is to use fear to force people to vote for them, by means of financial pressure through hidden charges using acronyms, by means of politicising the construction of national infrastructure(using taxpayers money) to only those who have voted for them, and to put people who don't deserve to be there on merit on the management boards of every single government corporation, and in every single government department for political, ideological reasons.
And the result is that Singapore increasingly has put its future further on the edge of a spiral. I mean, when a country is completely politicised from one end to another, it weakens all aspects of the country as a whole as the fundamentals have been shaken to its core. When a ruling party starts thinking of its self-interests as the country's self-interests, then that's when the rot starts.
The escape of Mas Selamat was merely the beginning. The fact that Singapore is the first Asian country to slip into recession is merely just another blip that the pulse isn't right. Then there is the minibonds scandal. And then now with the future of the IR heavily in doubt(of even being able to open in time), as with the F1, Singapore isn't looking very rosy.
Isn't it time Singapore has a better alternative than this? That we can do better than to depend on a party that has been ruling for 50 years? In politics, which is pretty much corrupting in the first place?
Its time we know we can do much better.
I now know Singapore is not an utopia, and shouldn't be viewed as one. For once, its time we took off those rose-tinted specs and really see the goodness and the flaws of Singapore at the same time, and know always that Singapore is always in a work in progress and as such, when time changes, we know we must change. And change can only come from those who do not belong to the status quo, who thinks that if we can do the same things for the last 50 years, somehow we will get a different result.
It is time.