Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Iranian clergy- at least the Ayatollah and the Revolutionary Guards..

Try and screw the election of the presidency, and the whole of Iran goes absolutely nuts.

Here is the link: Iran protests continues...

That's what happens when you take away the basic democratic right to elect a new President. Besides the results were suspicious. Which proper, true democracy would realise the results 3 hours before the polls were supposed to close? And 64% everywhere, across every segment of the population, including in Mossuavi's hometown?

If the election was truly free and fair as the hardline selected President and the Ayatollah claims, then why are you resorting to hardline force to crack down on the protests, dissent? Don't forget, it was an election that you held and that you allowed people to vote, and in which people were angry at the current one, because of his poor record in the economy, and thus voted against him..and now you say his win is legitimate?

Gimme a break, Tehran.